Effecient Keybindings

Movement & Keybindings

I have used interception tools to make my keybindings easier and more simpler. I have remapped my crtrl key to my left hand side key d, to my right hand side key k and also the Capslock key. And again I have remapped my alt key to my left hand side key f, to my right hand side key j. I have remapped my shift key to space key. All this remap only works when I’m holding down these keys. You can set keypress time for holding down and single button press timing. I have also remapped shift key as esc, which I need for my vim style bindings. ESC cancels all or single press shift cancels all.

M-' puts a - between letters.

Text Editing

Text Editing should be as easy and very flexible. People have their own weaknesses and therefore it should be different for each people. We are going to discuss Text editing in a few moments.

Emacs’s default keybinding for editing text is very diffcult. You have to move your fingers a lot. You have to always press the CTRL key. But it was designed in the 70’s for that times keyboard.

Modern World needs modern keybindings for editing text fast and smoothly. Vim comes to play in this times. Vim is also a lot old like the I don’t know maybe 80-90’s. It was first Vi, then it was vim.

Basically Vim has these things called modes. Which is like a different keybindings at a different state. There are a lot of modes. But we will be focusing on NORMAL, INSERT and VISUAL mode today.

When you open vim for the first time you’re gonna be in NORMAL mode. Press i, it will take you to INSERT mode which is where you can type and edit files.

These are the basic keybindings of vim and emacs together. And it really is the best editor of the century.

i is for inside and a is for outside relative jumps. c is just like d but instead of going to the normal mode, you go into insert mode. C is like c-k kill-line s and S {} up and down a paragraph. jump list with ctrl-o. Shift+V visually select full line. di{ select inside curly braces vi{ yi{ press o when in visual mode. end of visual mode, begining of visual mode viw - yank viW - :nonwhitespace yank

{kkd} VIM keybindings:

yycopy line
yiwcopy current word
diwdelete current word

CTRL always operates on characters and Meta always operates on words.

C-ttranspose char with previous char
M-ttranspose word with previous word
M-uupcase word
M-ldowncase word
M-ccapitalize word
M-vmove screen window down